Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cassandra: Today was my first ride in a while that involved another person. I was hanging out with my Spring in Vienna friend, Michelle, when she suggested we ride the Burke-Gilman together. So even though I rode the trail yesterday, I headed out there again this morning. The rides were as different as night and day. Yesterday I rode at about 15.5 mph, which tends to be my normal pace. I started out at that pace today, too, and was surprised when I'd glance in my rearview mirror and find Michelle gone. I'd pull over and wait and she would always make her way up the trail to me, slowly. I tried to cycle more slowly so that we could ride together and chat, which is the best thing about riding with another person. It was tough to stay clipped in sometimes, though, because I was pedaling slowly or coasting and when you're going slow it can be hard to keep your balance on the bike. I found that Michelle's pace was around 7 mph on the way out and about 6 mph coming back. I was having a hard time staying warm at this pace ... my hands were freezing and so was my core, even though I had three layers on top. Michelle, meanwhile, was hot. We stopped for coffee in Shoreline so I could warm my hands and belly with a chai tea latte and Michelle could eat a sandwich. It was nice to be able to sit and hang out while on a bike ride. I don't normally do that. Sometimes I will pull over and refuel, but that is the extent of my breaks.

After a good half an hour we got back on the bikes for our return trip. Michelle gave me her coat because she was overheating and I was still having problems staying warm. It was a beautiful ride back as the sun peeked out in places and we rode by the huge houses on the lake. We ended up walking our bikes up the big hill near my house (Michelle would have killed me had we not walked!), which was a treat. Four and a half hours and 23.5 miles later, we were home.

As far as gear, things went better for me this ride. Last night I went to REI to replace my backpack and seat pack with a fanny pack and a stem bag. It felt great to be a little more free of weight. I love the fanny pack because I can just turn it around on my stomach to get into it; I find jersey pockets to be universally hard to access, especially when adding or shedding layers.

I hope Michelle isn't too sore after our ride today ... she was quite a trooper to do a 23 mile ride when she hadn't been on her bike in about a year. I know her fanny is sore and she is a little sun/wind burnt, but the first ride of the season is always the hardest. I'm hoping I can convince her to buy a bike trainer so she can work up to longer rides for the summer. It always helps to have someone to ride with! It makes the time go by a lot quicker!

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