Sunday, March 25, 2012

Carol - Well this is the first time I've been able to ride both weekend days, thank you sunshine.  I thought the first couple of miles would be difficult because I rode yesterday.  Actually the first five miles were fine, however, I didn't realize the route I picked would be so hilly and the road surface so rough.  Both sure do impact your average mph.  My outdoor rides I've been averaging 14 - 15 mph.  Not the case speed dropped to about 11 on the way out to the lake. 
I rode down to town, out to Fairhaven, followed Chuckanut out to Lake Sammish Rd and then made two loops around the lake.  There were many bikers out today, and most of them kicked my butt.  What a reality check.  At one point another rider asked if I was embarrassing, I had been caught in the mid section of a hill where I had stopped.  The only thing I have to say for myself is "at least I was out there" and "it will only make me stronger".  My favorite part of the ride was along the bay between town and Fairhaven and the loops around the lake.  I have to say that after a hot tub, nap, and dinner I am still exhausted.  For the first time I'm glad I don't ride again until Wednesday. 
I am going to sleep so well tonight.

Total ride length this weekend   50 miles
I need a smaller pair of biking shorts and also a jersey and some interchangeable lens glasses.  Also, some fingerless gloves would be nice.  I actually overheated today.

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