Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cassandra: Mom and I started the week out strong by working out on Sunday morning at the gym. While she rode for 45 minutes, I stayed on the bike during her weight-lifting session and rode for an hour and five minutes. Although the ride was more comfortable than the time before in the gym (we were on a different style of stationary bike so my rear end didn't fall asleep!), both of us felt like we were tipping forward on our seats. I kept having to lean on the handlebars so I could read my magazine! It was the first time I'd read while riding, which was kind of fun. I finished a whole magazine during my 17-mile workout. And then it was time for the hot tub and sauna!

Because we didn't ride our full two hours on Sunday, I had to ride again on Monday for an hour. I didn't feel like getting up early so I waited until after work but before my kickboxing class. I rode at a pretty good intensity while watching a tv show on my projector. The pain came during my kickboxing class. It was only the 2nd time I'd gone, and the first time hadn't given me a good workout because the instructor was new. I figured it would just be a fun thing again, not hard work, so I got off the bike, ate some dinner, and then headed out to my class. The instructor had improved! He gave us a very good workout that included a lot of kicking and kneeing, and that combined with my biking beforehand made me pretty darn sore!

I am set to bike again tonight and tomorrow ...

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