Sunday, March 18, 2012

Carol - Well, I too am behind in my entries. This past week I rode Wednesday morning, Wednesday night, Thursday and today.  I had to ride twice on Wednesday because in the morning I had several phone calls (important ones) during my workout.  I rode the full hour and a half but I didn't think I'd actually completed the 20 miles.  So, Wednesday night I rode an extra 30 minutes doing intervals.  One minute at a high resistance and speed and the next minute at normal speed.  Overall, I think I had a really good workout once I complete my evening ride.
Thursday night I rode at the gym for 45 minutes as it was not suppose to be a ride night.  Once again I completed intervals.  When I started my training about six weeks ago I was not able to ride with a higher resistance because it hurt my knees.  Now after riding and lifting weights several times a week I have been able to increase this by 2x.  Also, I have doubled the weight I have been lifting.  I really am not concerned so much about my lower body which I consider to be strong but am trying to increase my upper body strength.  I feel like I'm on track with my goal.
Cassandra came up for the weekend so we were able to go to the gym again today.  My total time spend on the bike was 45 minutes.  This included my warm up and cool down.  Total mileage was twelve.  I will need to ride the remaining 18 miles tomorrow night but I really wanted to lift weights since I don't go to the gym on Mondays.  Tomorrow I will train at home on my trainer to get my remaining miles.
 I hope the weather is nice on Wednesday as I am excited to be out on the rode again.  I find that the miles and time spent on the bike is much more enjoyable.

Training notes:
Cassandra noticed that my body shape is changing : ) A nice perk from the training.  Also, the bathing suit Cassandra normally wears hung on her body.  Unlike me she shouldn't lose any more body mass.
I am going to purchase my heart rate monitor this week so I can track my progress better.

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