Friday, March 9, 2012

Cassandra: I rode the bike trainer yesterday while watching Netflix. I got in a pretty good workout, lasting for an hour and a half (which was my plan) and keeping my heart rate around 140 BPM. I rode pretty quickly, even though I had some pain in the back of my left calf, up towards the knee, and burned 890 calories. It is my guess that I covered anywhere between 22.5 and 25 miles during my ride. Whew!

Yesterday, I also had a follow-up appointment with Steve, the fit-guy at the Seattle REI store. I had come to him last week after my warranty tune-up, complaining of some shoulder and back pain. He took one look at me on my bike and shook his head. "No," he said, "I can already tell something is wrong." That started off an hour where he changed my seat height, seat position, and various other little things to get me a better fit on my bike. I was told to take my Cannondale Synapse home and test out the new fit with a ride. Well, when I did my next workout on the trainer I noticed that I was now chafing my thighs against the reflector and my seat pack. So, I called Steve and went back in and we got everything straightened out. He jimmy-rigged my seat pack, making it thinner in the front, and adjusted the position of my reflector. Now, I just have to ride again and test everything out once more.

This weekend is the Seattle Bike Expo and Dennis and I have tickets for Sunday. Like mom, I still have more things to buy for my bike: sunglasses with interchangeable lenses, a mirror for my helmet, and a multi-tool. It seems like the shopping is never done.

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