Thursday, December 13, 2012



Friday - Cassandra: What a weekend we had doing the STP! The action started on Friday evening as we took care of final preparations for the ride. Mom and Rich met me at my house after work. We quickly came up with a game plan for the evening. First thing first, we had to put our gear together so it could be dropped off at the start line. This was very important because it meant we could bike to the start line in the morning without our heavy bags and without dragging the guys along to what we thought would be a very chaotic and traffic-heavy scene. I already had the camping bag packed with our tent and sleeping pads and sleeping bags. My personal items were in a neat little pile, ready to be added to mom’s clothing and toiletry bag. After we integrated everything, it was up to mom and Rich to drop the bags off while I started dinner.

Carol: What Cassandra didn’t mention was that she thought I had packed too much.  All I had, though, was a pair of PJ’s, clean socks, and my capri riding shorts in case it cooled down.  Oh, my makeup and maybe one or two other things.

Rich and I headed down to the start line to drop our bags off.  I thought it would be really busy but it wasn’t.  In fact, if it wasn’t for the car in front of us I’m not sure we would have been positive we were using the correct entrance.
Cassandra: Once mom and Rich got back, we sat down to a nice meal of vegetarian spaghetti and talked about our expectations for the next day. I knew that mom was a little nervous. I didn’t think I was nervous, just excited, but I must have been more nervous than I thought because I was grouchy and a little bit bossy. It wasn’t so apparent during dinner, but it was during our preparations. Everything got on my nerves, it seemed. Especially mom. I felt bad and I knew it wasn’t her fault (I did apologize!) but it was what it was. At dinner, mom drank a beer with Rich but I turned down any and all alcohol (even a glass of chocolate wine!); I ride my best when I don’t drink at all.

Carol: Cassandra was right when she wrote she was grouchy.  I kept thinking to myself ... this was her idea ... why is she grumpy with me?  I could have said no to this whole adventure.  I have learned through the years, though, to just wait it out.  Usually there is an apology at some time.

Cassandra: After dinner we continued on with our to-do list, taking our bikes outside and cleaning them from top to bottom and then washing and oiling the chains. We pumped up our tires, knowing the importance of keeping our tires fully inflated. They say under-inflated tires are the #1 most preventable cause of flat tires, and neither one of us wanted to spend our time on the STP on the side of the road doing repairs.

It was starting to get late by the time we finished cleaning our bikes and setting them up for the next morning. We hurried up, wanting to have enough time for a good night’s sleep. We had done enough training rides on too little sleep to know that it didn’t make for the best ride, and we wanted all of the conditions to be in our favor. I double-checked my pile of gear for the morning and then headed over to Safeway with Dennis to pick up a packet of Benadryl. I wanted to guarantee myself a good night’s sleep, even if it meant taking a little pink pill. Little did I know, that Benadryl would come in handy later on for much more than a restful night’s sleep.

Carol: It took me a little bit of extra time to settle in for the night.  I went over my day pack and then sat down to write my blog entry for the night. 

Saturday - Cassandra: The alarm went off at 5:00 am and I bounced out of bed. Even though I hadn’t gotten quite as much sleep as I had hoped, quantity wise, the Benadryl had helped me with quality. We were supposed to meet mom and Rich over at my cottage at 5:15 am, so I immediately headed to the bathroom to start layering on my sunscreen and putting on my biking gear. A little after 5:25 am, we headed over. As soon as we got there, Rich started making us a breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast. It was funny to see someone else cooking in my little kitchen. I was really happy he was cooking, though, because I don’t know how I would have gotten ready in time to make it out the door at 6:00 am if I had had to cook and do the other preparations. We ate standing up, in between putting our bib numbers on our matching jerseys and readying our bike packs. I wish I could say my grumpiness had run its course the night before, but it hadn’t. I really tried to keep it in check, but mom still noticed.

Carol: I, too, slept well and like Cassandra I was so ready to get my biking clothes on and head out the door.  It was even difficult to take the time to eat breakfast.

Cassandra: At 6:05 am we headed out the door with our bikes. I glanced over at mom and saw her fanny pack was on backwards, which lightened the mood considerably. The cushioned area that was supposed to sit next to her skin was facing out towards us, and the pockets of the fanny pack were sitting towards her back. We had to take a minute, after laughing and taking her picture, for her to straighten everything out. After posing for a few pictures with our bikes, we were officially on our way. We walked our bikes up the hill on Harrison and then hopped on to ride when we got up to 23rd. It was mainly downhill the whole way to the starting line, but we felt like overachievers, adding even more miles to the 204 we were hoping to accomplish within the next 2 days.

Carol: When we reached the top of the hill Cassandra took off.  I had a hard time keeping up with her because the road has some pretty incredible pot holes that could throw you off your bike in a heart beat.  Since Cassandra was used to this stretch of road she knew where they all were but I had only ridden it once so I was tentative to say the least.  The cool thing was that Dennis and Rich surprised us and rode down beside us and took our pictures.  I felt like I was on tour.

Cassandra: As we neared the stadium, we noticed that there weren’t as many cars as we thought there would be. We had imagined an absolute parking lot on Montlake Blvd., but traffic looked barely heavier than it would normally be at 6 am on a weekend. We half-wished the guys were with us to see us off, but knew that we would see them just a little ways down the course. We got in the big line of people at the start line and waited for our turn. They were sending people off in 10-minute intervals, with the countdown to each release of bikers announced by a man on a microphone. I’d been hoping for loud, energizing music, but there was none. There were just lots of bikers and the guy on the loudspeaker.

Finally, at 6:35 am, we were off. We pedaled down Montlake and took a right on Pacific. We got our early introduction to group-riding as people called out for debris in the roadway. Someone had already lost their bike pump. Over the next two days we would see arm warmers, riding gloves, and lots of water bottles in the road.

We were riding alongside of an overweight woman with a veil on and a “Just Married” sign taped to the back of her bike when we saw Rich and Dennis waiting for us. They were standing under a large construction sign at the intersection of 23rd and Boyer, near where Nate’s family lives. They photographed us as we approached and snapped some more pictures of us on our bikes after we stopped to chat with them. We saw the bride ride by with her groom, who was wearing a tuxedo hat and had a matching “Just Married” sign taped to the back of his bike.

The ride felt like it officially started after we jumped back on our bikes and waved goodbye to Rich and Dennis. We had no more stops to make or people to visit with before Portland, not counting the rest areas. We were on our own, alongside 11,500 bikers.

It was fun to wind through the familiar neighborhoods of Seattle: the University District, Montlake, Madison. Our first mini-stop was at Seward Park. We pulled over so I could take off my arm warmers. Mom had to use the bathroom. We were still sitting on the side of the road when we witnessed our first crash of the STP. A girl tried to slow down and hop off her bike but forgot she was clipped in and fell to the ground in front of a bunch of people. It must have been embarrassing, but at least she wasn’t hurt.

Mom had a senior moment when we were standing in line for the port-a-potties. She couldn’t find her expensive Smith riding glasses. After looking everywhere, she retraced her steps and found the glasses on the ground near the road. She had set them on her bike seat and then moved her bike, oblivious to the fact that they were there. She was very lucky someone didn’t pick them up and walk away with them. One of the bikers we met had seen the glasses on the grass and almost done just that.

Carol: I have to say this was not my only “senior moment” during the weekend but it could have been a very costly one.  I was so happy when I did find my glasses.  I have interchangeable lenses so I always wear my glasses for protection from flying dust and debris. 

Cassandra: After our potty break we had our first big hill, but it was only about a block long before smoothing out to a more manageable grade. We pedaled on through the Rainier neighborhood, on our way to the first official rest stop in Kent.

We had heard that the REI-sponsored rest stop in Kent was “legendary,” and honestly wondered if it was just marketing hype. Although it was the first official stop of the STP and we had little idea of what the other rest stops would be like, it did impress us and we immediately agreed that it was “legendary.” As we approached the REI corporate headquarters, we were greeted by people on the side of the road cheering us on. They had on matching shirts and were waving us toward the entrance, swinging signs and shouting encouragement. Soon, we heard 80’s music being blasted from giant speakers and saw tons and tons of makeshift bike racks and port-a-potties. After hanging our bikes up on the racks by the seat, something we had never done before, we wandered towards all the food. There were people walking around with platters of food: 1/2 bananas, mini bagels and cream cheese. There were also tables set up with additional food: protein drinks from Odwalla and protein bars. We refilled our water bottles at the Nuun tent and tried to take everything in: the thousands of bikers milling around, the busy bike repair tents sponsored by different bike shops, and the bike part supplier giving away CO2 cartridges. I wanted to stay and listen to the music, but we got back on the road after downing our chocolate protein milk and eating some bagels. The road seemed so quiet compared to REI.

As we rode along, further south, we talked about how fun the ride was so far. It didn’t feel like work. It didn’t feel like exercise. It was just fun. The fun was in people-watching, having one or two-sentence conversations with the other bikers, looking at the different jerseys, and just chatting. We rode together but in single file most of the time. And we definitely obeyed the rules of bike etiquette, although it became apparent quickly that not everyone felt the need to, especially the pace lines of organized bike groups. But more on them later. We had excellent bike manners, signaling our passing with “on the left,” using hand signals when turning, moving to the very right of the road when cars were approaching, and signaling changes in the surface of the road. “Bump!” was shouted, along with “Hole!” and “Tracks!” Although we verbally signaled for rail road tracks, the hand signal was also given. It’s one of my favorites because it looks so funny. Basically, you wave your right hand behind your butt like you are trying to clear away a stinky toot. It never fails to make me giggle. We were fastidious about using good manners on the STP and we got a bit of a reputation for it. During that first day, Mom overheard someone saying, “I like those Speedy girls. They always call, ‘on your left!’”

Carol: What Cassandra didn’t mention was that people were calling us the “speedy girls” because our matching pink and white jerseys had “Speedy Bike Club” written on the back.  It was kind of funny how many people asked us what city our bike club was from.  We had bought the jerseys at REI but it wasn’t until the end of the day that I saw someone else wearing the same one as we had.

Cassandra: It was difficult to go fast with so many other riders around and so many stop-lights. When we were within city limits, it seemed like we had to stop every few blocks to wait for another light. The bikers would all get bunched up, and then we’d have to struggle to pass the same people all over again. We really enjoyed getting out into the country, where the scenery was much prettier and there weren’t as many traffic lights. We found some small towns that we liked: Roy, Yelm, and Centralia. I think I will always remember the police officer from Yelm repeating over and over, “Thanks for coming to Yelm! Thanks for coming to Yelm!”

Up until we reached Yelm, the weather hadn’t been as predicted. The forecast had called for a beautiful, sunny weekend with highs in the upper 70’s. Friday night we were treated to thunder and on Saturday we rode under a very grey and slightly cool sky. Until Yelm, that is, when the sun finally stared to peek through the clouds. At that point, we got on a 14-mile paved trail headed to Tenimo. It was, by far, my favorite part of the ride. We rode amidst flowers and beautiful trees and clearing blue sky. I was in bicycle heaven. I really wished that the trail would never end, that we could take it all the way to Portland. But in Tenimo, the trail dumped us out onto the roads once more.
Carol: For me, the trail was not my favorite; the farm land shortly after we left REI was my favorite.  That was in part because it was that time in the morning when the birds and animals were up and busy getting food and not very many people were out yet.

Cassandra: Once we were off of the paved trail, time started to slow a bit. Our last rest-stop for the day was around mile 80, which seemed like it would never come. Mom kept saying, “Do you think we missed it? Do you think we missed the rest stop?” to which I would reply, “It’s probably just a little bit further. We couldn’t have missed it.” We were both kind of ready to be done with our bikes for the day. It wasn’t that we were in a ton of pain. Mom had started to have some IT band pain, but stretching seemed to help. And I had started to get hot spots on my feet from being forced into a different knee alignment, but I was doing my best to just spread my toes and take the pressure off the outside edge. I think we just started to get a little bored.

Carol: The last ten miles, it seemed like we would never reach the end.  It was similar to the feeling of waiting for Christmas morning to come when you’re a child, or like the movie, ‘Groundhog Day.’  The landscape was pretty, as we were riding through farm land again, but it just seemed to stretch on forever and ever.

Cassandra: Slowly, we made our way to Centralia. We biked almost completely through town before making one last turn and spotting a big banner strung between two college buildings. There was a mister for us to ride through, which we both did. And then, we were getting off our bikes and wheeling them towards a bike corral. People had already started pitching their tents; it looked like one big tent city. We found a space for our tent near the bike corral and bag drop, and mom stayed there while I grabbed our bags.
Carol: Everywhere we looked there were tents ... it was like a sea of many different colors.  When we started walking around, though, we realized just how close the tents were and how many people had just passed out on the grass or a blanket.

Cassandra: Both of us wanted to just sit down and relax for a bit, but first we had to set up the tent. We leaned our bikes against the bike corral fence as we unpacked the camping bag. We managed to set up the tent in record time, leaving the rain fly off because they weren’t calling for rain. And then we blew up our air mattresses and threw them into the tent along with our sleeping bags. After grabbing our shower things and locking our bikes, we were off to get clean.

Carol: By the time we got off our bikes my right IT band was so sore I couldn’t bend my knee.  I kept wondering, ‘how am I going to ride another 104 miles tomorrow?’  The only other thought I had was that we had worked too long and hard on our training not to finish.

Cassandra: If only getting clean had been a simple process! Instead, we had to pay $5 and then wait in line in a very stuffy and humid college locker room while we waited our turn. As we waited, I read all of the sex offender announcements that covered the bulletin board where we were standing. It wasn’t the best reading material, but it had to suffice. It wasn’t like we had packed books with us. The line inched along as we got sweatier and sweatier. I thought I had been gross when we arrived in Centralia, but the shower area was like an incubator for sweat and stink. Finally, I took off all of my clothes and stood in line in my towel.

Mom and I had an interesting moment when we realized that we weren’t guaranteed showers next to each other, which was a problem because we had packed only one set of toiletries. So, I took the body wash and left her with the shampoo and conditioner. That body wash became an everything wash, for my hair and my skin. I didn’t mind. As soon as I was standing in the warm water, getting clean, the world started to look a lot brighter. It felt so great to wash off all of the grime, the road film.

After our showers we moved to the bathroom, which wasn’t so humid. There, we washed our faces and reapplied sunscreen. I was still hot, even though the area where we were standing was ten times less humid than the shower area. So, I decided to walk around in my black sports bra until I could cool down. I figured I was an athlete; I had earned the right to walk around like a jock.

After showering, the next thing we needed to tackle was eating. We headed over to the food area, which had several food tents operated by organizations doing fundraisers. We picked all-you-can-eat spaghetti and each ended up with heaps of noodles covered in red sauce, 2 small slices of bread, and 3 baby carrots. The price was decent at $6 a plate. Neither of us had seconds of pasta but when we went back for more bread they were out. So much for all-you-can-eat.  Mom cleared her plate and I almost cleared mine, but we were both making eyes at an ice cream stand across the way. It seemed like the best dessert we could ask for, and we had earned it, so each of us got a chocolate dipped ice cream bar.

Carol: I have to say that our dinner was so good.  I don’t think I’ve ever had spaghetti taste so good in my life.  Of course, after eating protein bars and sports food all day any real food would taste wonderful.

Cassandra: We took our bars and wandered back to the massage tables. Mom wanted someone to work on her IT band and a massage really sounded good, so we both signed up for 30-minutes from the Washington Sports Massage Team. I was still eating my ice cream, so they took mom back to a table first. Several minutes later, once I had finished my ice cream, it was my turn. Mom really liked the massage she got, but I wasn’t crazy about mine. It was okay, but I didn’t think the woman worked enough on my problem areas, which were mainly on the outside of my right thigh and my right buttock. Part of it was that she just couldn’t press hard enough to make a difference. I must have a high pain tolerance, because it felt like she was barely kneading my muscles at times.

Mom and I finished our massages at the same time and headed out to finish our bike errands for the night only to find out that everything had been closed down. The Nuun tent was gone so we couldn’t refill our water bottles and the bike repair was gone, too. So much for pumping up our tires. We would just have to hope that both tents were open in the morning.

At this point, it was still light out. We decided to part ways for a bit. I wanted to get in a walk (it’s one of my favorite things to do after biking) and mom needed to charge her cell phone, so while she headed to a campus building I hit the town. I walked south first, and then doubled back north, finally finding a very cute downtown area. As I walked, I glanced into the windows and reflected on our day. We had done well, I thought. We had kept a good pace and even passed people on several of the hills. The big hill that everyone talks and worries about hadn’t been that big of a hill to us; our training had prepared us well. I was looking forward to the next day, to our big finish. All of a sudden, I realized how tired I was and headed back towards the college.

Carol: While Cassandra was walking in town I sat and charged my cell phone and also made a few calls.  I knew I hadn’t gotten a full charge but I thought it would be good enough, so when Cassandra came back I pulled the plug so we could go to bed.

Cassandra: As the light grew dimmer, mom and I brushed our teeth at the tent. We used my water bottle to squirt water onto our toothbrushes, which didn’t work so well. Every time I would try just a little squirt, it would fly and hit mom. 

Carol: At this time we were both starting to laugh pretty hard.  Every time she squirted the water she would squirt me ... not my toothbrush.

Cassandra: Finally, we perfected our system and got the toothbrushes wet. We were already in our pajamas (we were just going to wear what we wore around the college), so all that was left was to find a potty before we crawled into the tent. The port-a-potties were already out of toilet paper, so we used a girls bathroom in one of the buildings. And then it was time to crawl into our sleeping bags, take a Benadryl (or a muscle relaxer, in mom’s case), and make our notes for the day. I put in ear plugs to drown out the noise of people walking by our tent and making conversation. Although most people had gone to bed long before us (boring!), there were still some people wandering about. But with the earplugs, all was quiet and I quickly fell asleep.

It wasn’t perfect sleep but it was pretty good. At one point mom and I both woke up because a street light was shining directly onto our faces. We closed the tent windows. Some time later, I felt wind ripping around us, pulling the tent this way and that. Around 1:00 am, mom had to use the bathroom. I woke up and went with her and we walked in the dark, winding our way around tents and sleeping people passed out on blankets under the stars.

At 4:00 am, we woke up to the sound of people packing up their tents and getting on their bikes. Their voices seemed loud in the dark, and I found my ear plugs where they had fallen out in the night. We both tried our best to sleep until 5:00 am.

Carol: I still can’t believe people would get up at 4:00 am to start riding unless they were really slow and wanted to make it to the finish line at a decent hour ... or maybe they were jocks wanting to show off how early they finished to their friends.  I just thought I would perform a lot better if I slept a little longer.

Sunday - Cassandra: At 5:00 am, the alarm went off. It felt chilly out and I just wanted to curl up in my sleeping bag, but we got up and started packing everything away. The sleeping bags were rolled up, the air mattresses decompressed. And finally the tent came down and was rolled up into its blue bag. We had already changed into our biking clothes in the tent, and put on warmer layers against the cold. Everything was pretty well under control, but I still felt disorganized. After dropping our bags off, we headed to the girls bathroom to pee and brush our teeth. Once there, I remembered that I had packed my toiletry bag, so I didn’t have anything. No sunscreen, no toothbrush, no makeup. No nothing. So, after peeing I headed back, retrieved my bag, and had to wait in line for the sink all over again.

Carol: Everywhere we went there were lines and more lines of people.  I found all the people and waiting in lines at times irritating.

Cassandra: There were people lined up for breakfast in the college cafeteria, but mom and I were more interested in getting on the road. We each ate a protein bar and drank some water, then headed for our bikes. There was no sign of the Nuun tent or the bike maintenance tent, so we got on the road at 6:01 am with very little water and somewhat under-inflated tires. We didn’t worry too much about it, though, because we knew we could always stop at the first rest stop for both things.

I didn’t expect to be pain free that second morning, but I still was surprised to ease my way onto my seat and feel the sharpness where my sit-bones were hurting. The first mile, I really felt my bum, especially because I had to keep getting on and off my bike. First, I forgot to put on my mirror, then I had to stop because I had forgotten two or three other little things. Mom said, “You’re killing me!” every time we stopped. Finally, I felt like I was situated and we started riding. The sky was grey and it was cold out again, which didn’t help my mood. As we biked along the fields and cows and went up a series of medium-sized hills, all I could think about was, “This is not fun! This is work!” It didn’t help that there were stands along the route offering free hot coffee. All I wanted to do was get off my bike and go have a hot cup of coffee with some french vanilla creamer. But I knew what it would do to my stomach, and mom wasn’t tempted at all by the coffee, so on we rode. I really wasn’t a happy camper. It wasn’t until we stopped on the side of the road and ate some caffeine energy chews and part of a bar, several miles in, that I finally started to feel better. I think I had just needed the extra food. The breakfast we ate hadn’t been sufficient.

Carol: For me the second morning wasn’t that bad.  I didn’t feel like I really hurt anywhere yet ... even my IT band felt better than I expected.

Cassandra: At our first pull-off point, we chatted with a man who looked to be in his mid-50’s. He was obese and sweating, but I was impressed that he was doing as well as he was. I was surprised by many of the obese people on the STP. I had thought it would only be attempted by really fit people, and that we would only see skinny bikers. But on the road we saw people of all sizes and shapes. And some of them were fast. In fact, we ended up playing hopscotch with one lady who was really large. All we saw was the back of her as she pedaled past us occasionally. I got quite a view of the back of her knees, which had lumps of fat hanging off of them. I couldn’t believe she was passing us, but she did it several times. I was quite impressed.

Feeling better from the food and stretching, we pedaled on. It seemed like there was an endless number of hills. I couldn’t understand why everyone had talked about Saturday and “the big hill,” and no one mentioned the fact that Sunday had even more hills. At each one, we would hear someone in the crowd say, “I think that was the last one,” but of course it never was. It was just a day of many hills.

Carol: I have to agree with Cassandra on this comment.  So much is made of the hill on the first day, yet, I found the second day to be much more trying when it came to hills.  They just seemed to go on forever.  

Cassandra: Finally, we made it to a mini-stop. We stopped only briefly and continued on to the next mini-stop. There was quite a line for the port-a-potties, so I just decided to hold it until later. We did get some good snacks from a local service club of some sort. They had bananas and sandwiches and even boiled potatoes. I thought the potatoes were an ingenious biking snack! Just down the road, we pulled over and pumped up our tires, which had retained a surprising amount of air. I pumped mom’s tires up while she waited in a long line for a port-a-potty. It was difficult for me to balance both bikes at once, and at one point they almost fell over. I was glad when she came back to take back her bike.

It wasn’t very much further down the road when I saw a wooded area and told mom that I needed to pee. I hadn’t wanted to wait in those long port-a-potty lines, and I preferred peeing in the woods anyways, so I thought pulling over was my best option. I had peed along side of the road several times in the past two days. I handed my bike to mom and walked across the gravel to a place that I thought wouldn’t be too conspicuous. I tromped through some tall weeds and finally squatted.

As I waited to pee, I felt a prick in my left thigh, up high near my bum. I thought I had sat on a prickly weed, somehow, so I tried to brush the thing away. But there wasn’t a weed there. And then suddenly there was a lot of pain. I was peeing and trying to brush whatever was on me away, and then I felt pain in several places. I looked down and saw a wasp and freaked out.

I stopped peeing, started shouting, and ran out of the woods with my bike shorts around my knees, trying to pull them up while I ran so that no one would see me naked. Everything was hurting so bad and I was scared, so I started bawling as I ran toward mom. “They bit me! They bit me!” I screamed as I ran toward her. I could barely hear her say, “What bit you? What was it?” “Bees!” was all I could say.

It felt like fire was spreading around my legs. The original area was hurting the most, and as I looked down I saw that the wasp had been trapped in my bike shorts and was continuing to bite me. I rolled my shorts up and the wasp fell out.

I don’t remember mom putting the bikes down or the medic pulling over from the crowd of bikers going by. All I remember is crying really hard and hurting really bad. Two Goldwings pulled over as my bites started to turn red and puffy, swelling up and looking like giant welts.

No one knew quite what to do with me. We waited to see if I would have problems breathing, or if my throat would close up, but it never did. It’s funny how things work sometimes. Just a couple of weeks before, on my bike trip with Lisa, I had come up with an idea to intentionally get stung near a hospital so I could finally determine whether or not I was allergic to bees. I got what I had wished for, it seemed. As the swelling continued but the shock wore off, I finally stopped crying so hard. I took two Benadryl while the medic, Nathaniel, taped an ice-pack onto my ankle. There were suggestions all around. Mom, who was in pretty severe IT-band pain at that point, wanted to stop riding. The Goldwing guys thought she might have the right idea, but they couldn’t transport me anywhere. Unless we called an ambulance, I would have to ride to the next rest stop. Nathaniel thought I was probably in the clear, but that I should get looked at by the medics at the next first aid tent to be sure. I didn’t know what the right answer was, but I did know one thing. I wasn’t going to let 9 wasp bites ruin the STP. I was going to finish. I was dead-set against quitting.

Carol: The first scream out of Cassandra’s mouth was not too alarming to me. I actually thought ... huh, she must have seen a gardner snake.  It was the second and third screams that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.  I couldn’t imagine what would cause her to carry on like that, however, when she ran out of the woods with her biking shorts around her knees I had a pretty good idea it was bees of some kind.  That just made me feel helpless.  I knew that I couldn’t go to her aid if there were any bees following her because I’m deathly allergic to certain bee stings.  So all I could do was wait for her to come to me.

Cassandra: The adrenaline rush I got from the bites really helped as I hopped on my bike and we continued on to the next rest stop. We had about 6 miles to go. I flew up the hills without really feeling them. The bites hurt, but it was manageable. Mom, I could tell, was continuing to have IT-band pain. She needed to ride slowly at times, and I tried to keep us together.

When we finally pulled into the next rest stop, it started to rain. I had to take off the ice pack because it was dripping water into my now very wet shoe. We hobbled over to the first aid table only to see that it wasn’t staffed. We waited for someone to show up, but no one ever did. Mom tried to call Aunt Karen for medical advice, but she was in church so all we got was her voicemail. We saw our biker friend from earlier in the day, who was talking to his wife on the phone. He walked over and said she was a dermatologist, if we would like to talk to a doctor. She mentioned that the Benadryl might make it tough to ride because of drowsiness, but she didn’t think that continuing the ride would worsen the bites.

We headed into a school building so mom could stretch her IT-band. She was at the breaking point and tearing up when she asked me to come help her stand up. She couldn’t get up by herself. We sat in the building on chairs as I changed my socks and we talked about what to do. I didn’t want to quit, but mom was in so much pain. She didn’t want to do permanent damage, and I didn’t want to push her. At the same time, I was extremely disappointed, thinking that the two other options we had didn’t include her crossing the finish line. Either she and Rich could support me as I rode on, or I could withdraw with her. It was the low point of our ride. Mom actually called Rich and put him on alert to pick her up. Things were not looking good.

Carol: This for me was the lowest point of the ride.  Every step I took I felt like bone was grinding against bone.  I had had IT issues in the past many years ago and I knew it would not get better soon.  When we finally decided to continue our ride I had to change up the way I mounted my bike because I couldn’t lift my right leg up over my bike, I also had to use my left leg as my power source unless we were climbing a hill. At times I had tears running down my face and I was doing Lamaze breathing.  Even though I was in so much pain all I could think of was how I didn’t want to let Cassandra down (or myself).

Cassandra: Mom decided that, if anything, she would have Rich pick her up from our lunch stop, which was only a few miles down the road. We got on our bikes, but mom almost couldn’t pedal because of the pain. At one point she was pedaling with only her left foot, the right leg dangling over the side of her bike like an afterthought. I told her that if she couldn’t ride with both legs, she shouldn’t be riding at all. She needed to call Rich. I don’t know how, but she found the strength to put both legs on the bike and pedal. The IT-band warmed up slowly, and by the time we reached lunch she was committed to trying to go a little further, and maybe even all the way.

Carol: Cassandra’s actual words were, “If you can’t ride with both feet on your peddles you shouldn’t be riding,” and I have to say she sounded quite snotty when she said it.

Cassandra: We came up with a new strategy: stay on the bike as much as possible. It seemed that whenever we got off the bike, the muscle seized up, and then it took a good amount of time and pain to get warmed up again. We hurried through the port-a-potty line and the lunch line and were back on the road in record time. They were closing down the lunch tent as we passed through, and we noticed that the time we had spent on the side of the road, with my bite and then mom’s pain, had put us way behind the pace we had ridden the day before. We were now with the stragglers, it seemed. It didn’t matter how long it took us to finish, though, as long as we were going to make it to that finish line.

As we continued to bike, my bites continued to hurt. At another aid station, I took some tylenol for the pain, but it felt like I was being stung over and over, even though the trauma of the wasps was supposed to be finished. It was like they had injected me with fire water that ignited my legs and my ankle at regular intervals. Mom had to get off the bike and stretch a couple of times as we rode on, and those times were the most painful for me. For some reason, my bites hurt a lot worse when I was standing still.

The only real problem with riding with the stragglers was that it became a lot harder to determine the right way to go on the course. Whereas on Saturday we had just followed the crowd, on Sunday we ended up having to watch the road for course markings, little arrows and signs that were painted onto the road. At one point, just before we hit the bridge going into Oregon, I was convinced we were lost. But eventually we saw some other bikers ahead of us and then the big group waiting to cross the bridge.

The bridge crossing into Oregon was pretty exciting. The Goldwing Club escorted us bikers across in stages, stopping traffic and letting us ride together. I was careful to go slow, especially when warned that there were bumps that could easily knock the water bottles off your bike. I certainly didn’t want that to happen. As we biked up and up, and then onto the main part of the bridge, I took pictures. I never wanted to forget our first STP together.

Carol: Who in their right mind would take pictures on a section that is notorious for crashes?  I’m riding along thinking, “Cassandra, are you nuts?”

Cassandra: It was just after we got into Oregon that we picked up another biker in our group, a random homeless man headed for California. He had everything he owned packed onto his bike and like the Pied Piper of Hamlin, he felt the calling to join us. I think he must have been drawn in by the promise of free food. I saw him at the last food stop, excitedly gobbling everything he could find. No one turned him away, even though it was quite obvious that he wasn’t one of us. Aside from the random homeless man, I don’t recall seeing any other unregistered bikers riding the STP.

The ride through Oregon was particularly challenging for me, and not just because of my wasp bites. A lot of the route was along busy highways, and the scenery was drab. The sky was grey, there wasn’t much to look at beside concrete and speeding cars, and it didn’t feel all that fun. I really was just ready to be done biking. I was so excited to make it to the final rest stop. We ate a bunch of snacks, took some pictures, and then it was time to hit the road for the final 29 miles. We made sure Rich and Aunt Karen knew where we were so they would have a good idea about when we would cross the finish line.

Carol: I, too, was very challenged once we crossed into Oregon.  It seemed like on the sections that looked like they were going downhill, my speed was slower than when I would actually ride uphill.  It was a freak-of-nature thing.

Cassandra: If I thought the previous several miles through Oregon had been a drag, it was nothing compared to the last 29 miles. We had more highway riding to do, and I was bored. I think that was the biggest thing. Because we were now near the back of the pack, there weren’t as many bicyclists around us; the people watching was greatly diminished. We continued to get compliments on our matching “Mother-Daughter” jerseys, though, which was fun. I did a mental inventory as we rode. The hot spots on my feet were actually doing pretty well; I had been stretching my feet out throughout the day. My bum was okay, my bites were still hurting. Overall, I was physically in pretty good shape. I was just suffering a bit of mental exhaustion.

We had one more bridge to cross before we got into Portland, and one that was over we pedaled the city streets. Mom kept asking how much longer we had. She was in a lot of pain again and we had to stop several times so she could stretch. Both of us were really ready to be done riding. It seemed like the city streets of Portland would never end.

And then, finally, we rode by some people who cheered us on and told us we were almost to the finish line. It took a little more pedaling, and then we were there. I saw Aunt Karen first, reaching out to give us a high-five. Mom and I were trying to ride as close together as possible. It had been our goal to finish along side of each other, at the same time, but as the path narrowed I had to pull in front. I hit Aunt Karen’s hand with my own and then heard the announcer tell us to keep going. There was a whole finishing lane, complete with people standing on each side, cheering for us. I felt victorious, like a real champ. It didn’t matter that the finish line was almost closed for the day, that we were some of the last bikers in. It was 6:30 pm and the finish line was only open until 7:00 pm. I didn’t care about anything other than the fact that we had made it. Someone put a patch necklace around my neck and I whooped. We did it!

Carol: Unlike Cassandra, I couldn’t high-five Karen.  I was afraid at that point that if I didn’t keep both hands on my bike I’d fall off.  

Cassandra: As mom and I pulled our bikes to the side of the finish row, out of the way, our people came and met us. We were so lucky to have them there: Rich, Uncle Mike, Joanie, Aunt Karen, Uncle Dan, Sara and Jacob. Our finishing felt even more special because we had people there to share it with us. Our day already felt complete, even though the beer, hot tubbing, and hamburgers, were yet to come.

Afterward - Cassandra: Reflecting on the 2012 STP, I am so proud of mom and myself. We could have quit when we were in so much pain, when our goal wasn’t fun anymore but was work. We could have easily used our injuries as an excuse to leave the discomfort of riding and no one would have blamed us. Everyone would have understood. But after working so hard for all of these months, we couldn’t do it. We pushed through the pain with help and encouragement from each other. I really don’t think we could have pushed on to the finish had either one of us been alone. But together, we did it.

Mom said at the finish line that she would never do the STP again. However, as of late July, she is reconsidering. I think I will give it a while before I try bringing up another Mother-Daughter STP.

About 6 days after my initial wasp bites, they swelled up and turned red in a big delayed reaction. I was diagnosed with cellulitis in my ankle and was put on antibiotics and steroids. As of early August, things are finally healing.

Carol: I remember back to the first STP I rode with dad and I wish we had documented our training and journey like Cassandra and I have.  I have found through the years that time has faded the details but not the memories.  My goal for that journey was to process a divorce.  This ride was so very different from that one.  This ride was a celebration of the wonderful relationship I have with my daughter and an opportunity to give her the same gift that dad gave me by saying “yes” and allowing us to experience a very special bond of a big commitment.  Being older for this ride I was extra diligent in my training so I wouldn’t slow Cassandra down.  

When we finished the ride I swore I would never ride the STP again, however, I may do it one more time.  If I do, though, I am going to read this very carefully before I say yes.  

It has been a little over a month since the ride.  I have not been on my bike as much as I’d like, as I am still having IT band issues.  I did buy a compression band which has helped.  So far I’ve ridden out to Ferndale and back and have cycled on my trainer about once a week. Once I catch up on the projects that were put off during training I hope to start riding a lot more.  I have found that I really like the peaceful morning rides when the dew is still wet on the leaves and most people are sleeping.

NOTE TO SELF:  If you think about riding this again the training commitment is about 25 to 30 hours a week for at least five months! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cassandra: Mom and I are in the process of coming up with our last blog post about the STP, but in the meantime I wanted to let everyone know that we did finish! It was actually pretty remarkable that we crossed the finish line in Portland considering mom had terrible IT-band pain and I got stung by 9 wasps while peeing in the woods. Both things happened on day two. But I am so proud of us, and especially of mom, for sticking with it. We made some amazing memories and had some very good laughs. And we achieved our goal! Look for the full-length STP post coming soon!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Carol - Friday night.  It's hard to believe that tomorrow night at this time we will have completed half of our goal.  I slept in this morning in anticipation of not sleeping well tonight (due to excitement).  The rest of the day was spent on last minute errands and packing.  It was not an overly busy day so I had time for reflection upon this journey.
Nineteen years ago I made this same journey with my dad.  I don't believe I prepared well for that ride since the girls were young and I couldn't leave them to go train.  However, I was younger then too so I probably thought it wasn't critical.  I was wrong I know because I haven't spent any time on a bike since then.  When Cassandra asked me to ride the STP with her I really hadn't thought about the consequences.  I didn't realize that it would take a while to feel comfortable balanced on a bike again much less to lock myself on to my bike peddles with clips.  I knew I'd have to train but I forgot about the huge time commitment (Fifteen to twenty hours a week).  I hadn't though about the possibility of falling off my bike. All I really thought about was what a privilege it is to have your daughter want to achieve a goal of this significance with her.  I am truly honored to be riding with her this weekend.
We have cleaned our bikes and chains, filled the tires with air, filled our water bottles, dropped our overnight bags off and carbo loaded at dinner.  Our matching jerseys are laid out with our bib numbers and it's now time to get a good nights sleep.  I'm so glad we have documented this journey so we can both look back in time and remember all the details of this wonderful adventure; the many hours training in our living rooms because of rain, hours on the road alone and with each other, the waggle of the feet when we're getting ready to stop, peeing on the side of the road, and yes I did spit in Cassandra's face (not on purpose).  We will continue to document through our ride this weekend too but for now my hope is for fair skies, no rain, a tail wind, and a safe ending to this wonderful journey where we will be celebrating with friends and family at the finish line.
I love you Cassandra! Thank you so much for wanting to create such an amazing memory with me.

Carol - Saturday was our last short ride.  Cassandra and I had planned on riding again on Sunday but we decided to concentrate on final preparations first.  We made a stop at REI were I bought a bike rack for the car.  I've decided that I would enjoy my riding a lot more if I didn't always have to start from home and ride through traffic.  Once we have finished the STP I know I won't want to ride hills "just for the fun of it".  I'm hoping this strategy will keep me riding more.  After our stop at REI we continued home to the list making.  I'm sure we've thought of everything plus some.  It's hard to believe that one week from today and we should have finished our goal.  Wow...we sure have logged the training miles.  I have officially put enough miles on my bike to have ridden to Mexico.   

Carol - July 5th.  Cassandra was home so this is our last longer training ride.  As usual I get frustrated having to head out of town.  I get tired of all the stop signs and construction etc. that comes with heading out to the country roads.  Also, I knew that Rich could not meet us at a stopping point so we would have to ride the last 2.5 miles of our ride uphill. 
After finally clearing town and its traffic we headed out to Ferndale and then the outskirts of Lynden.  It was nice to have wonderful weather and such beautiful scenery.  We rode past lots of raspberry fields (which we were tempted to sample from) cows, horses, old barns and homesteads.  Cassandra of course had to stop and pee constantly (I hope this isn't necessary on the STP) and I had to stop and drink and eat a lot.  However, even with those obstacles we were able to keep a decent pace. I'm sure we will be riding a little bit slower on the STP due to the massive amount of bikers.
I'm excited to get our lists made and make our final plans later this weekend.

STP - here we come.
Cassandra: Today is Friday the 13th and the last day before the STP! It seems like it took forever to get to this point, months and months of training rides and looking ahead with anticipation. I couldn’t sleep very well last night for thinking about this weekend.

Although our training rides have decreased in the last week as we’ve been resting our muscles, our logistical preparations for this weekend’s ride have really ramped up. We started last weekend by finalizing our jersey choice for Saturday (matching). Mom had picked out a pair of very cute white, pink, and black jerseys for us and luckily the jerseys fit both of us well. So, we will match both days of the STP, wearing our black-and-white mother-daughter jerseys on Sunday as we cross the finish line. After we got our clothing finalized, it was time to make a packing list for the STP. We divvied up things like patch kits, tire levers, toiletries, and camping gear so that we could bring as little as possible. Then we wrote down things that we simply could not forget, like cash for the food stops and earplugs for sleeping in the tent and extra pairs of socks. Mom took over the food preparations, having picked up gel and sports chews and Nuun. We have gotten lucky, though, because Nuun is a sponsor of the STP, so we will get free electrolyte drinks at the rest stops. But we wanted to have some extra to be prepared.

This week I picked up the few things I needed to, like sunscreen and cash and our race packets, and then last night I spent a good hour and a half packing. It seemed like it took forever to get out the camping gear, empty a duffel bag to put it all in, and organize my biking bags. On top of that, I needed to pack a bag for the night and day we are going to spend in Vancouver at Uncle Mike’s house and buy a ticket for Amtrak to get back to Seattle. Whew! This morning I finished things up by sewing velcro circles on my fanny pack to keep the extra straps out of the way. It was such a little thing to do but it took me over an hour!

Now that most of the preparations are over, I am getting excited for tomorrow morning. I know mom is kind of nervous about the STP, but I am not. I guess I figure it is going to hurt no matter what, so I will get through the hurt when it comes. I love biking and am so excited that the weather is supposed to be amazing this weekend, but I know that riding 204 miles in 2 days is probably going to be painful. I am not looking forward to the pain, but I am looking forward to so much more. I can’t wait to see what the starting line is like, and what it’s like to ride with 10,000 bikers. I am probably most excited to hang out in the midst of so many bikers in Centralia, all of us bedecked in spandex. I want to feel the collective excitement of so many people on bikes! And, of course, I can’t wait to see the finish line and feel how proud I am that mom and I have accomplished something so cool.

This has been a great challenge so far and I think this weekend is going to be the crown jewel in our time. I feel really lucky to have a mom who wants to do fun and difficult things together, and I really believe that this time spent together has been way better than discovering a love of biking, getting in shape, or biking 204 long miles. That’s the good thing about memories. They’re great, but they’re nothing compared to the people we share them with.

Go bikers go! Portland, here we come!!
Cassandra: (Sat July 7) Today we decided to take it easy, per the STP training guidelines. Because of the beautiful weather, we headed to Lake Samish for a nice, short loop ride. We arrived at the parking lot of the county park at around 11:00 am, which was perfect timing because as soon as we parked everyone else showed up and there was a long line of cars looking for somewhere to park. I had never done the Samish loop before, so I was excited about that. I was also excited because Dennis was riding with me and mom. Before jumping on the loop around the lake, we biked over to Camp Lutherwood and looked around for a minute. I got to show Dennis where I went to camp as a kid, and where mom worked many years ago. It was funny to see it after many years. It looked much smaller than I remembered!

We got back on the road and settled into our 7.5 mile loop around Lake Samish, looking at the pretty houses as we biked. We weren’t concerned about speed but still kept a decent pace. It was fun to just look around. We had almost completed the loop once when I heard mom clear her throat; she was riding just ahead of me. All of a sudden I felt a mist of spit cover my face. It was so disgusting. I can’t believe mom actually spit in my face. When I shouted up at her she had a good laugh. A bug had flown into her mouth and she had been trying to get it out, not thinking at all about how I was behind her.

After circling around twice, we came to a stop back at the county park. We loaded up the bikes but relaxed for a few minutes in the grass near the lake. I put my feet in the water, which felt amazing. It was the perfect way to end our last ride before the STP!

Our ride in numbers:

Total miles: 15.05 miles
Average speed: 13.6 mph
Max speed: 23.4 mph
Total time: 1:06:18
Cassandra: (Thurs July 5) Mom and I did our last long training ride today. Kelsey was at dad’s house but headed to Bellingham, so we knew our window to bike would be in the morning. Last night we got to bed late because of the 4th of July fireworks, so we slept in a touch before hitting the road around 8:45 am. We didn’t have to follow a cue sheet, since mom knew the roads well enough to direct us from memory. After jumping on Lakeway Drive and taking Yew Street, we wound through Bellingham the back way, trying to avoid traffic. It seemed like it took us forever to get out of town and towards Ferndale, which is where we wanted to ride. We hit light after light after light. And road construction, which was a first for me. We had to wait while a girl in an orange vest flashed us the ‘stop’ sign and finally, when we were allowed to go, we led a single-file line of cars through the construction area.

Finally we broke free of the city streets and settled into a better pace on roads that didn’t have lights every 100 feet. We biked north, past a berry farm, into fields that were full of raspberries and horses. Mom wanted to stop and pick berries, but it seemed like field workers appeared every time we wanted to slow down and eat, so we continued on to Wiser Lake.

Although we were riding on nice country roads, we almost didn’t make good time because I had to pee so darn much. I don’t know what my body had going on, but I had to pee every 15 minutes or so. We counted that I peed 5 times in the first 2 hours of riding: twice at gas stations/stores and three times in various fields. Honestly, at this point I prefer peeing in fields because it is so much faster. You don’t have to wait in line or waste time flushing. You just drop your pants, pee, and then pull your pants back up. And then you get back on the road.

We turned back at Wiser Lake, on the fringe of Lynden, to head back to Bellingham. But a couple of stops were in order, first to eat a Lara bar on the side of the road and then to eat berries and our sandwiches at the berry farm. The fresh strawberries we picked out tasted so good! It was warm out and the sun was shining so brightly on us ... all we both wanted to do was stretch out on the grass and take a nap!

The way back to Bellingham was pretty uneventful, except for the hills we hit on the way home. Yew Street and Lakeway don’t look terrible from a car, but on a bike they can be painful. I remember when I was living in Bellingham after coming home from Guatemala. I decided I wanted to bike commute to the gym, in downtown, but gave that idea up after my first bike ride back up the hill to go home. Although I am in better bike shape now, the hills still hurt.

We might do another ride this weekend ...

Our ride in numbers:

Total miles: 45.97 miles
Average speed: 13.6 mph
Max speed: 25.6 mph
Total time: 3:21:52

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Me and Lisa:

Cassandra: (Sat June 30) Lisa and I finished our bike/road trip yesterday with a beautiful 45 mile bike ride through Yakima Canyon in Ellensburg. It was one of, if not my very favorite, ride of the whole trip. The route was recommended to us by Karen, one of our hosts from the previous night, and it did not disappoint.

We started our ride at the parking lot of the Flying J truck stop on Canyon Road in Ellensburg. From there we biked south on Canyon Road towards Selah. Although the road was longer than we had time for, we did cover 20 miles of it each way. Or rather, I did. Lisa was a couple of miles behind me so I doubled back to meet her and save her some mileage.

I can't speak highly enough of the scenery on Canyon Road. After we passed the outskirts of Ellensburg and some farm land, we swooped down into the Yakima Canyon with a smooth downhill. From there, the road pretty much flattened out, although there were several rolling hills and a couple of good, steep climbs. The highway wound along like a snake, following the Yakima River. We could see people rafting and floating down the river and it looked so peaceful. We had gotten an early start to our ride; it was right about 10:00 am when we left the car, so it wasn't too hot yet. At first, I stopped about every 5 miles to reconnect with Lisa; she was behind me, again on the mountain bike. No more road bike for her. I could tell she was tired, so I went along at my own pace and would wait for her at regular intervals, encouraging her to drink water. It was really starting to heat up.

The road was so pretty I took a ton of pictures while riding. I admired the cliff-like canyon walls and the sparrows that were flying in and out of their little mud homes (at least, I think they were sparrows). I even stopped at a placard to read about the geology of the area. But mostly, I just got caught up in the sun and the river and the smooth, fun road and got lost in my own thoughts. It was perfect.

At 20.11 miles, I stopped and decided I should turn back and meet Lisa, that way she wouldn't have to go quite as far. I passed a rest area about 2 miles back towards Ellensburg and was careful to scan for her mountain bike outside of the bathrooms. I didn't see anything, so I continued on. A couple of more miles down the road, I still didn't see her. I flagged down a car of elderly people to ask if they had passed a cyclist in a white shirt. They said they hadn't passed any cyclist, but if they saw her they would let her know I was looking for her. I started to get concerned. I couldn't understand why this car full of people hadn't seen her. I started to worry about her being hurt. I flagged down another car, but the guy inside said he hadn't seen her, either. At that point, I was really worried. I didn't know what to do if I couldn't find her. My cell phone didn't have any service, so I couldn't call her. I was starting to kick myself for breaking our routine and turning back to meet her, instead of staying in one spot. I continued down the road towards Ellensburg, looking for Lisa. I heard a car behind me, and when I turned around I saw the car of elderly people. They said they had passed her coming out of the rest area, and that they told her I was headed back to Ellensburg looking for her. I was so, so grateful to know where Lisa was. I thanked the people profusely and headed back towards the rest area.

I met Lisa part way there. She said she had decided to go into the rest area because they had civilized bathrooms (I had been peeing on the side of the road). I told her I had looked for her bike, and she sheepishly said she had taken her bike in the bathroom with her. I let out a great big sigh, just happy that we had found each other. I don't know what we would have done without the elderly people. Lisa would have been biking towards Selah and I would have been biking in the opposite direction, both of us without cell phone service. It would have been great to have walkie-talkies!

We decided to eat lunch at the rest area Lisa had previously stopped at, partly because we thought it was our best shot at getting water to refill our waterbottles. It was getting really hot out and both of us were sweating. I had already gone through almost all of my 2 bottles of water. I biked up to a some campers and asked where the water spigot was, and they said there wasn't one. Apparently, you have to pack your own water into the canyon area. None of the recreational areas have water. I was starting to have visions of dehydration when the man offered to let us fill our waterbottles from his own water supply that he had brought. Yet again, we were saved by the kindness of strangers.

Our ride back was easier than we thought it would be. On the way into the canyon it had looked like the way back would be significantly more up-hill, but it didn't turn out to be that way. We were also helped on the way back by a tail-wind. I rendezvoused with Lisa once, about 5 miles in, but after that I cruised at my own pace, once again lost in my thoughts, and figured we could meet back at the car. That was easy enough; we both knew where it was and I certainly wasn't going to turn back and look for her and get us separated again.

The canyon ended before I expected it to; for some reason, the way back seemed a lot shorter than the way there. Almost before I knew it, I climbed the hill and disappeared around a cliff, where I found farm land and Ellensburg once again. This is definitely a ride I would repeat again, and one I hope to introduce mom to. The next time, though, I will be smarter about water and I will (hopefully) bike all the way to the end of the canyon.

Our ride in numbers:
Total miles: 43.32 miles
Average speed: 14.9 mph
Max speed: 29.5 mph
Total pedaling time: 2:54:11

Once Lisa and I met back at the car, we loaded everything up and drove north-west to Lake Easton. We had hoped to camp and bike there, but the weather forecast was calling for rain and the nice bike trail that I remembered turned out to be gravel. So, we walked around the state park and talked a bunch and then made the call to turn back towards home. No sense camping in the rain when we were so close to Seattle.

Closing Thoughts: It is kind of depressing to be back in Seattle now, with the rain and people who don't wave at you (or smile for that matter). Lisa and I had such a great time in Eastern Washington. I got to know my bike so much better and discovered that I love bike travel. It is a really great way to see the countryside and get to know its people. You are forced to slow down, to really absorb the landscape. You notice every hill, every vineyard. Through biking Lisa and I met some amazing people, from the Allegro bike shop folks to the people who hosted us overnight. We joke that we could truly dedicate our trip to the kindness of strangers. It seemed every time we needed something, the travel fairy blessed up with people who could help us along. It was a humbling experience.

I would encourage anyone and everyone to see Washington (and Idaho and Oregon) by bike as we did. It is extremely affordable. All said, the trip cost less than $300 total per person, and that included lodging, food, gas, and even a pair of semi-expensive bike gloves. If I hadn't bought the gloves and so much wine in Walla Walla, I could have done the trip for about $240. And that was for 10 days of fun.

The trick with vacation is getting as much of it as you can in your daily life. I can't wait for my next free weekend, to find some sun and bike somewhere cool. And the STP is in only two weeks; I suppose it will be a very intense version of what I just did for the last 10 days. I can't wait!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cassandra: (Thurs June 28) Today Lisa and I planned to ride, but it was obvious when we woke up that a rest day was in order. Lisa was having trouble climbing stairs because of sore muscles, and we wanted to save some strength for a good Friday ride in Ellensburg. So we ambled around Walla Walla with a couple more cross-training walks :-) After touring the aviary at Pioneer Park, we followed a brochure we had gotten at Tourist Information and toured many of the historic homes in the area. I really liked that. After a picnic lunch in the sun we hit the road for Ellensburg. Our drive was sunny for the most part and we did take a very fun detour at a u-pick berry place in Grandview. After stuffing our faces with cherries and blueberries (and buying a bunch) we continued on our drive. Tonight we are staying with Pedro and Karen, a couple we found through Couchsurfing. Karen was able to recommend a good road ride for tomorrow through the canyon areas, which we are excited about. We just need to get to bed soon and get a good night's sleep, and we should be ready for a great ride tomorrow. It's crazy to think that our trip is almost over. I really am trying not to think about it. We will be camping tomorrow in Lake Easton (hopefully with good weather) and riding there on Saturday. And then sometime that afternoon/evening we will head home. I can't wait to find more fun bike rides in Seattle again after this. My enjoyment of biking has been greatly revived. It's a good thing, too, since the STP is only three weeks away.
Cassandra: (Wed June 27) Lisa and I crashed hard last night after our fast-paced bike ride with the Allegro people. Even still, I had a difficult time staying asleep in the early morning hours for some reason. My sleeping bag was bugging me and the light coming in the window shone in my eyes. But the light was a good thing, because that meant sun. We set the alarms a little later this morning: 8:30 am. After a quick breakfast and packing our stuff up, we loaded everything in the car and unloaded the bikes.

Our first stop this morning was the Allegro bike shop, to get our tires pumped up and ask directions to our mid-point for last night’s ride. Lisa had lost her sunglasses and wanted to go back and get them. She also wanted to try a road bike for today’s ride, so after giving them her mountain bike for storage, she rented one of their Giant bikes.

It took some work for her to feel good on the bike. The shifting and the power cages were very different from what she was used to. We took it slow through town as she got used to the new bike and then speeded up as we headed toward the Walla Walla Mission Historical Site. The Mission was about 7 miles from town, along a route that could have been easy had the map not tried to simplify things so much. We ended up winging it when it came to several turns but miraculously made it to the front entrance without too much of a hiccup.

We locked our bikes and headed off on the trails around the Mission by foot, exploring the Great Grave and the markings of where the old Mission used to be. We even walked a little portion of the Oregon Trail, which was quite exciting. The whole area was very neat. The Mission was set up at the very beginning of the time period when people were traveling west on the Oregon Trail. It originally served to educate the Cayuse Indians and teach them religion. When people started moving west on the Oregon Trail, the Mission also served as a resting point and somewhere that people could resupply their food and medicine. The Whitman family ran the place until they were massacred by the Cayuse Indians. You see, Mr. Whitman was a doctor and the Cayuse Indians had a tradition of killing medicine men who couldn’t heal their patients. When a measles outbreak killed three Indian children, Dr. Whitman attended the funeral, not knowing the Indians were planning on killing him. They found him later in his home and attacked him and his wife, killing both of them, two of their adopted children, and 9 other people. What sadness. The area we walked around was so beautiful; without reading the placards and hearing the story we would never have imagined such tragedy taking place there.

After we walked around and ate lunch in the grass, we headed south to find Lisa’s sunglasses at a convenience store in Umapine. To get there, we retraced part of our route from last night. Now, we had been warned at the bike shop about two big things to watch out for in Walla Walla. One was biting bees that hung out near the alfalfa. We were told to keep our jerseys zipped up as high as they could go as a precaution. The other thing we were warned about was something called a Goat Head, a hard little thorn that was notorious for popping bike tires, especially on local bike paths, which aren’t adequately maintained. So we were on our guard. I kept a close watch on the road ahead of me, looking for Goat Heads. But I was not keeping a watch out for dogs. In fact, I had left my taser and my air horn in the car because we hadn’t seen any dogs the entire trip. Today, unfortunately, I wasn’t on guard against dogs, and one actually came after us on the way to Umapine.

We were riding along when the medium sized dog approached, barking loudly. It was fast, and clung close to Lisa’s leg. We had been riding two-abreast with Lisa closer to the center of the road and the dog came from across the way, near her. I think we both kind of panicked. We were screaming, “Go Home!!” as loudly as we could, but the dog was not deterred. It kept up with us and was so close I thought it was going to bite Lisa. I yelled to Lisa, “Go Faster!” but it didn’t make much of a difference. The dog wasn’t fazed. Finally, though, it got its fill of terrorizing us and turned back. My heart was pounding nearly out of my chest.

We weren’t far from the convenience store at Umapine at that point, but we couldn’t find Lisa’s sunglasses.; they weren’t on the ground and no one had turned them in. So we headed east for a jaunt and another dog came after us. I screamed at it and then at the people in the front yard who didn’t even call their dog when it started barking and running after us. I was so mad. I yelled, “Call your dog!” as loudly and angrily as I could. It was the best I could do, since I didn’t have any pepper spray for the dog or the owners.

Luckily, no other dogs came after us. We headed further south along fields of alfalfa, finally pedaling past vineyards and orchards on our way down towards Milton-Freewater. We followed a creek for a while, going up and down with the gently (and not so gently) rolling hills. Lisa started to slow down, tired from last night’s wall. After dipping down below Milton-Freewater we finally came north and rode through it, stopping to pick up some fresh apricots and cherries from a local farmer.

The ride back from Milton-Freewater was hard for both of us. I kept eating and drinking (we were very well hydrated today and spent a lot of time peeing on the side of the road) but my legs were still tired. Lisa simply hit a wall. She said she was dying, and that no amount of food or water was going to revive her body. It was just done. Unfortunately, we still had about 7 miles to go at that point, so we had to continue. We got a little lost coming back into Walla Walla (maps can be so confusing), but found the bike shop without much trouble. All in all, we had ridden almost 46 miles today.

Hot from the sun (yay!) and tired from pedaling, we did the best thing we could think of to unwind from our ride and that was to listen to live music and drink chocolate-infused wine at a local bar. Tonight we are staying with another girl we met at the bike ride last night. People have been so crazy nice to us, it is amazing. Kindness is most definitely still alive in America.

Tomorrow our plan is to ride easy, maybe stop at some wineries. We also would like to do a walking tour of the local historic homes. How’s that for cross-training? :-) And then tomorrow night we head to Ellensburg.

Our ride today in numbers:
Total miles: 45.65 miles
Average speed: 12.6 mph
Max speed: 27.2 mph
Total riding time: 3:36:44

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Carol - Wednesday.   Al and Karen were over last night and we hadn't seen them for about two weeks.  Of course this called for some wine to be consumed.  While catching up  we decided a golf game would be in order for Wednesday.  The weather was forecast to be nice so we decided to call for a tee time about 1 pm.  This meant that I would have to get my ride in early.  I woke up about eight oclock and ate a couple of pieces of toast and some chocolate milk while I got my bike ready.  I was able to get out of the house about nine and headed down to Marine Drive.  I love this stretch of road because it has such a pretty view of the bay.  Traffic was light and I had good speed heading out even with a fair head wind.  I ended up riding through part of the reservation, out past the casino and on to Hovander Park in Ferndale.  My favorite part of the ride was riding through the farm land and raspberry fields.  It was such a pretty time of day and not too warm yet.  Very little traffic if any on the rural roads.  I even found a different road to bypass Marrietta.  Today's ride was so really reminded me why I enjoy riding so much.

Miles 30
Average speed 14.5
I felt great even after drinking last night.  By the way, I got home from my ride and had a half hour to get cleaned up and ready for golf.  Yes I made it and was looking good.
Carol - This past weekend I rode on my trainer Saturday since the weather was so poor.  Saturday's ride was 25 miles in the morning.  I had intended to ride another 25 in the evening but, alas, it didn't happen.  All I can say is "it's boring riding in the house for that amount of time".  When I'm on the road at least distractions and pretty scenery make the time and miles go by faster.
Sunday, I again was going to go for a long ride.  The weather was marginal all day and I was afraid another big storm like Saturday's would blow through so I didn't get on my bike until about eight pm.  We had just finished dinner and I decided I needed to ride and I needed to ride now.  I didn't even think about the hour I usually wait after a big meal.  I just knew I wanted to ride now, in the sun, and on the road.  So I took off.  I decided since I wouldn't be getting the miles I wanted because of the late start I would do hill work.  So I rode up Lakeway and decided to try Cable Street which is very steep.  I made it to the top but could tell my dinner was sitting very heavy in my stomach.  I changed my plans a bit because of the stomach issue and so I could look at the pretty houses and yards by the lake.  I rode down all the side roads to the lake shore and than rode back up to the main road which was also a hill.  I did this the whole way back.
My biggest issue with some of my rides is my impatience.  Had I waited tonight I would have felt a lot better on my ride and my performance would be much better.  I hope someday I learn to slow down a bit and prepare properly.

Miles  10
Average speed 12.5  (all hills though)
Stomach was upset when I got home because I didn't wait long enough after eating to ride.
Carol - (Wednesday June 20) - I woke up to sunshine today and decided to call my good friend and fellow biker, Penney, to ride with me, however, I had appointments earlier in the morning so I didn't actually call Penney until about 2:00.  I was able to talk her into putting down her current project and go for a ride in the sunshine with me.  I was still a little bit tentative about riding in traffic since I had my incident a couple of weeks earlier so I really appreciated her coming with me not only for companionship but also for support.  We met up at my office in downtown Bellingham and took off from there.  It was really warm (or should I say warmer than normal) about 75 degrees.  Now, I have to admit I didn't give Penney much time to prepare.  She barely had time to eat an apple and get her riding clothes on plus she hadn't been on a ride for a month and the one thing that was missed was pumping up her tires.  We were out about ten miles when it became apparent that my good friend was having some issues.  We stopped for a minute so she could take off her sweatshirt and I gave her some of my raisens and some nuun for her water bottle.  This seemed to help for a while.  Our route took us into Ferndale via a way I had never been before.  The roads in Ferndale were extremely congested so we were careful to stay together and watch for traffic.  We were lucky that a bus stopped to let us cross by Pioneer Park were we turned and headed back to Bellingham.  It was nice to be away from traffic and back on rural roads for a while and we were actually able to visit for a time.  We finally made it back to  Marine Drive and I had ridden ahead a ways when I pulled over and noticed I couldn't see Penney.  I waited for a reasonable amount of time and decided to ride back to see if she was okay.  It was obvious when I got there that she was done.  We rode a little bit further before she called her husband and had him come pick her up.  I felt really bad that she didn't enjoy the ride that much and especially that I didn't give her time to prepare adequately before we left.  It turns out that when her time pressure was checked she was basically riding on flat tires.  I still can't believe that she rode as far as she did under the challenging conditions.  All I can say is "Penney you are a true friend". 

Total Miles  28
Weather  75
Average speed.....Doesn't really matter as we had a good time under the circumstances.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cassandra: (Tues June 26) Today took a couple of very unexpected turns. This morning after leaving the coffee shop in Pullman, Lisa and I drove to Walla Walla in the pouring down rain. It would've been a nice drive had it not been so gross and wet out, and had I not been so concerned about hydroplaning. But we finally made it into Walla Walla and parked the car at Tourist Information where we got some physical maps of the bike routes in the area. We also found out where the local bike shop was so that we could get some advice on the best rides to do. And that's where things got interesting.

We hadn't really been planning to ride today, because it was so rainy earlier and we needed to familiarize ourselves with the area. But the man who helped us at the Allegro Bike Shop told us they had a ride leaving tonight at 6:15 pm and we were welcome to join. I was definitely in but it took some convincing for Lisa to feel good about it. She didn't want to be the slow one holding everyone up.

We showed up at the bike shop at 6 pm, fully dressed and ready to go. I noticed that more and more men were arriving, and I was starting to think we were going to be the only females. But then, finally, three or four other women showed up. We started chit-chatting with the first of the ladies to show up, a music student originally from Bainbridge Island. We told her about our around-Washington bike/road trip and how we had been Couchsurfing the past few days. It came out that our Couchsurfing host for tonight had fallen through at the last minute, and she offered to let us stay at her house. We were super excited, because we had been planning on sleeping in the car in a parking lot somewhere. I am morally opposed to paying $30 to pitch a tent in an RV campground, like we would have had to do here. What happened to the days when camping was actually cheap?

It wasn't long before we set off on the ride. We wound through the city streets of Walla Walla, headed towards the west. Our pace was decent going through town but really picked up when we hit the old highways and country roads. Lisa did really well for the first ten minutes or so, and then she started to drop behind a bit. I was trying to push myself to stay towards the front, even though we were traveling at 20-23 mph.

Tonight was my first experience with riding in a tight group, and it definitely took some getting used to. We were all bunched up like a school of fish, trying to draft off each other. We rode by two's, with everyone rotating into the lead position to take the wind for a while. It was scary to be riding so close to other people. I couldn't enjoy the pretty scenery or anything because I was so worried I would hit the person in front on me and go down. If one of us was going down, we all were going down. We were riding with less than a foot between each biker. I did notice a difference in effort when I rode that close to the person in front of me; it definitely seemed easier, but I was constantly worried.

I dropped back a bit to watch for Lisa and ended up riding with an older gentleman named Randy who regaled me with stories of all of the adventurous things he has done like running ultra-marathons, biking up mountain passes for fun (for fun?!), and solo-climbing Mt. Rainier. This guy was an inspiration. By this point, our group had broken up into three smaller groups. The really fast people were up in front, Randy and I were in the middle, and Lisa was taking up the rear with the bike shop guy who helped us with routes earlier in the day.

We only stopped once for water, and that was a very brief stop. By then, I was really, really ready for a break. We were biking a lot faster than I was used to biking, and I kept pushing myself because I didn't want to be that girl who fell behind. I have almost an irrational fear of getting left behind and lost. I chugged almost my entire big waterbottle with Nuun (the electrolyte tab) and shoved a bunch of raisins down my throat.

The way back was both fun and kind of brutal. I had fun talking with Randy but was in some pain, finally, from pushing myself. I got a big cramp in my right butt cheek and when I would stop at stoplights my toes were cramping up and curling. It was not a pleasant feeling.

Finally, we made it back to the bike shop. Overall, our ride was about 28 miles, done in just about 2 hours. I am hoping I am going to feel okay tomorrow, not too sore. Lisa and I are planning on riding through the local vineyards and doing wine-tastings, depending on how she feels. I almost want to retrace the route we took tonight so I can actually see the fields and vineyards we passed, instead of catching a glimpse of them out of the corner of my eye while trying to force oxygen into my lungs.

Here's our ride in numbers:
Total mileage: 28.08 miles
Average speed: 16.6 mph (and this was with some good hills in there)
Max speed: 24.6 miles
Ride time: 1:43:46
Cassandra: (Tues June 26) The weather today is horrendous, windy and very, very wet. When we went to bed last night, around 1 am, it was totally clear out, so we didn't think to cover our bikes. They are now drowning in water. Rain is one thing that can totally stop a bike road trip in its tracks. I called mom for the forecast in Walla Walla, because we were supposed to head that way this morning, but the forecast there is the same that it is here: thunderstorms, rain, and wind. After I got off the phone, Lisa decided she wanted to go back to sleep and I headed to a coffee shop to work on my chemistry homework. By tonight it is supposed to be clear ... hopefully we can get back on track and back on our bikes then!!
Cassandra: (Mon June 25) Last night we slept in Pullman. We were staying with another girl we found on, this one a phD student in sociology. She was really nice and welcoming and had a cat that ran all over the place in the middle of the night. It was going crazy! As a result of that and taking pretty late, we didn’t get a full eight hours of sleep. The alarm was set for 8 am this morning and we actually got our earliest start yet, even with our detour to a local coffee shop so I could get on the Internet to check in to my online chemistry class.

It was shortly after 10 am when we got on our bikes for the ride out to Moscow. But first we had to follow part of the Loop Trail through Pullman. It was confusing in spots and sometimes hard to follow, but about a mile and a half later we did find out way onto the Bill Chipman Trail to Moscow. The weather was pretty cloudy, although it was looking better out towards Troy, our final destination. I wore my arm warmers for the first time with my sleeveless shirt, and I felt pretty great.

The ride out to Moscow was beautiful; it was 8 miles of pretty flat, paved trail, following the highway in spots but also sporting a knockout view of the local fields and hills. I mastered the art of taking pictures while still riding my bike, because I wanted to capture and remember everything. The Palouse is probably my favorite part of Washington.

After getting in to Moscow we continued on the Paradise Trail, which weaved for about a mile and a half through the University of Idaho campus and the local roads before seamlessly turning into the Latah Trail. We couldn’t for the life of us figure out how Latah should be pronounced, so we nicknamed it the Ta-ta trail. This was probably our favorite trail of the day because it turned from Palouse to pines and was stunning. At one point Lisa remarked to me that it was strange that we hadn’t seen any snakes in Eastern Washington. Less than a mile later I swerved and screamed when I almost ran over a snake. It was small and probably harmless, but it sure did scare me. I stopped to take its picture, remembering what my mom had said to me on the phone the other day. “If you see a snake in the road, don’t stop to examine it.” I remember thinking at the time, “Duh. Why would I do something dumb like that?” But I found myself trying to get closer to the snake to get a better picture. We rode on and saw a second snake shortly.

Our ride took us out to Troy, where we biked around the small town and then ate lunch in the local park. By this time the clouds were pretty much gone, the sun was warm, and it was a perfect Eastern-Washington kind of day. After eating a sandwich, a granola bar, and some fruit gel I was ready to hit the trail again.

The way back seemed to go really quickly. Before we realized it, we were back in Moscow. Instead of just continuing on to Pullman, though, we had a plan to stop at Walmart and the Goodwill. It felt funny shopping in our biking gear, but it was a fun detour. Suddenly I had an intense craving for a cheeseburger, and not just any cheeseburger. I wanted a cheap one. So we looked around for a McDonalds but the only one we could find was closed for construction.

We headed back to Pullman with the McDonalds plan still fresh in our minds. Lisa is a vegetarian and generally doesn’t eat places like McDonalds, but she was willing to go along with the plan and indulge me. We got back to Pullman without finding another McDonalds and set off on a north-bound highway in search of more fast food chains. The only thing we could find was a Jack-in-the-Box, so that had to suffice. I generally don’t like to eat fast food, but let me tell you, that burger and the chicken nuggets I ordered were super tasty. I think my body was just craving protein.

We have finished biking for the day and are now getting cleaned up and ready for a walk-about around the WSU campus. Tomorrow we head to Walla-Walla for some biking around the vineyards.

A note about today’s ride: my legs felt a little bit sore today, but the main issue was actually my crotch. I finally had to pull the bike shorts down some because I felt like I was suffocating from the lack of breathability. Lisa’s butt was helped by the day-break we took yesterday, but she was still sore.

Our ride today:
Time: approx 4 hours
Distance: 51.5 miles
Average speed: 12.8 mph
Max speed: 25.9 mph